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     Philippines is one of those countries where riding a bicycle is highly practiced. Since the pandemic happened, there was a rapid increase in cyclists. This prompted the researchers to conduct this study and developed a bicycle safety device that lessens the country's increasing number of bicycle accidents. RTVG detects obstacles, efficiently signals other road users, and tracks the current location of the bicycle. RTVG utilizes an Arduino UNO serving as the brain, a breadboard that functions as the body, and wires that connects all the features. When the ultrasonic sensor detects an obstacle, the LED lights and buzzer alarm serve as an alert system for cyclists.


     The LCD monitor indicates the current time and temperature, while the GPS is accessible through the Blynk Application. The researchers utilized developmental and evaluative research methods to collect valuable feedback and developed a Bicycle Safety Device. Several trials were conducted utilizing an observation guide to acquire data wherein RTVG detected an obstacle through its ultrasonic sensor and emitted an audio alarm and a visual alert displaying green, blue, and red colors indicating relevant safety colors. Obstacle sensing, Buzzer Alarm Sound System, and LED Light Alert System are all wired together producing identical results for the trials.


     For the 1-meter distance, the average time of the trials in terms of seconds was 0.51, following the 2-meter distance, the average time of the trials in terms of seconds was 0.69 seconds, the 3-meter distance's average time in terms of seconds is 0.75, the results of the trials correspond to Excellent due to the outcomes being less than 5 seconds. For GPS Tracking, the average measured location of the three trials resulted in 9.55 meters, signifying that the outcome is Excellent since the distance was less than 100 meters. The device was rated Highly Acceptable in terms of Usability, Functionality, and Effectiveness obtaining an average weighted mean of 3.675. Paired T-test and One way ANOVA was used to determine that there are no significant differences in the trials conducted from the RTVG Device.

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